
32617 emerson flute
32617 emerson flute

32617 emerson flute

With y-arms designed to meet the demands of the serious musician. The traditional out of tune notes so commonly found on many other flutes. With Emerson flutes, the player does not needlessly waste time. With the tone hole placement on the flute body and foot joint. Insures that the head joint is compatible. Riser configuration and head joint taper. Thus assuring that the instrument is in tune with itself. Tone hole sizes and location are proportioned correctly. In the highly skilled art of flute making. The Emerson scale represents the ultimate. And acclaimed by leading teachers and artists worldwide. Against Manufacturers Defects with Selmer flute care kit The Emerson scale is standard on all Emerson flutes. Cleaning cloth& rod, And a Selmer flute care kit. High quality double bladder pads and rubber key bumpers Includes: Durable case. Silver-plated body and B footjoint, silver-plated French(open hole) mechanism.

32617 emerson flute

BuySAFE List price $1.710.00 New Emerson Model EF6SB Flute MADE IN THE"USA" Emerson® Model EF6SB made in the"USA" silver-plated.

32617 emerson flute